5 perc távlatából

ez is egy a többi

Friss topikok

  • Tokle: Örökre szívembe zártalak! (2011.06.06. 00:01) remélem azért emlékezni fogsz rám
  • Tokle: nem te vagy az egyetlen aki bele akar ragadni ebbe nem te vagy az egyetlen akinek kurvára hiányzik... (2011.05.26. 11:09) miattad
  • kelda: :))) (2011.04.14. 18:14) bittersweet 18
  • Tokle: nem vigasztal mivel nem zavar ha mással jössz össze, igazából nem zavar semmi és tudom hogy ígykel... (2011.04.07. 15:35) Mészinek2
  • Tokle: i think we gonna have an intimate relationship but i need time. im sorry for the last talk. im jus... (2011.03.30. 01:11) ran out of B plan...



2011.04.09. 10:24 kelda

 yesterday i realized...ive got no friends!
okay, ive got friends, friends i hate from the bottom of my heart.

when the guys took off their shirts it was clear to me, now thats what i never wanted to be! and i never will! gosh those guys were so lame and D., she was jealous. she might thought i was going to snatch away her boyfriend.

and awww....the way home was the worst part of this whole shit. P. and i were going home and the distance between us was just growing and growing. i hate her. really. and i dont need her. and i hate D. too. and Chris...of course. he was there too. but thank god we didnt have the chance to talk.

i need new friends. RIGHT NOW

and well, my cousin was there too. she was the best thing that happened to me that night. and she invited me to another party cause of course she was sick of the whole business just like me. but i was way too tired to go with her. so i just left. left them without even saying goodbye. cause there was no need to make my bow to the company. ive made it already. months ago. and now i see, ive got noone but Bunny. 

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