5 perc távlatából

ez is egy a többi

Friss topikok

  • Tokle: Örökre szívembe zártalak! (2011.06.06. 00:01) remélem azért emlékezni fogsz rám
  • Tokle: nem te vagy az egyetlen aki bele akar ragadni ebbe nem te vagy az egyetlen akinek kurvára hiányzik... (2011.05.26. 11:09) miattad
  • kelda: :))) (2011.04.14. 18:14) bittersweet 18
  • Tokle: nem vigasztal mivel nem zavar ha mással jössz össze, igazából nem zavar semmi és tudom hogy ígykel... (2011.04.07. 15:35) Mészinek2
  • Tokle: i think we gonna have an intimate relationship but i need time. im sorry for the last talk. im jus... (2011.03.30. 01:11) ran out of B plan...



2011.08.13. 20:09 kelda

ive met someone. his smiles just like my lil brothers. and hes kinda cute. a bit slow but hes not junky. so weve been together for a few days in the art camp...or thats what i thought...cause since then weve only met once and he just doesnt seem to be curious about me anymore.
he didnt even call/text me. im just not brave enough to call him up and ask whether hed like to come over or not.....and after all im pretty sure he doent like me. i mean...we met once, he realized its not okay and now its over. thats what happened :/ im a bit sad...cause i was really enthusiastic about us.
weve kissed a several times. anddd.....well he was holding me every night. aww im so disappointed. i should have known this would come...come on...after all its me. how could something fairy happen to me? :D met a guy and then going out...aww nonono :D
im trying not to think about how it would have been.

so ive been reading buddhas speaches all day long. it was quite interesting. worth to read it :)
gosh im still thinking about him. okay i have to stop this. RIGHT NOW....
but im glad he saved me from my ex!
hes still writing such things like "i woke up with tears in my eyes!" aww....who the fuck care? i dont love you, okay? did you understand? you must be incredibly stupid to think that weve been perfect together. no. we werent at all.

i miss fru anyway :( and working all day long sucks ...but it makes me think less about him...sooo....its just okay anyway.
ill write about the camp tomorrow.

Szólj hozzá!

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