5 perc távlatából

ez is egy a többi

Friss topikok

  • Tokle: Örökre szívembe zártalak! (2011.06.06. 00:01) remélem azért emlékezni fogsz rám
  • Tokle: nem te vagy az egyetlen aki bele akar ragadni ebbe nem te vagy az egyetlen akinek kurvára hiányzik... (2011.05.26. 11:09) miattad
  • kelda: :))) (2011.04.14. 18:14) bittersweet 18
  • Tokle: nem vigasztal mivel nem zavar ha mással jössz össze, igazából nem zavar semmi és tudom hogy ígykel... (2011.04.07. 15:35) Mészinek2
  • Tokle: i think we gonna have an intimate relationship but i need time. im sorry for the last talk. im jus... (2011.03.30. 01:11) ran out of B plan...


soo much for my happy ending

2011.04.06. 20:17 kelda

"lets talk this over, its not like were dead...was it something i did? was it something you said?"

hes not speaking to me. hes not even looking at me. hes pretending like i dont even exist. and hes just fine....thats the worst thing in the whole situation. hes feeling fine, hes OK and stuff. but me... i feel like shit. i dont like to be ignored! why is he acting like this? is he mad or something? maybe hes just no feelings for me. not even friendship. maybe i was wrong...thinking him as my best friend, i was sooo naive.

M. doesnt talk me either. whats with everyone? okay...i understand him and his feelings so the deal with him is just OK. but chris....i feel like im neglected.

i wanted to talk this over with him (and i still want it) but i feel its pointless. i mean now its clear that he has nothing to do with me. i do nothing but bother him in his new relationship with Bebe.
ahh bebe...yeah...i want to be as thin as she is. her face and body are so ugly but...sometimes i feel like id rather be her than myself...wait...i dont want to be her! shes so troublesome and shes such a shit stirrer! shes gossiping with my EXbestfriend, laughing quietly and trying to catch my eyesight. but why? sometimes she seems to like me and then she totally ignores me. what the hell that supposed to mean?!
oh god...Valentines coming. nononono! i dont want to see him. talk him about his drug experiences. wait, its not him. thank god! awwww....thank you!

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