thanks for all the precoius memories...and all the choices you gave me to change and be a better person.
but theres nothing else i could say thx to you...
how much do you hate me to treat me like this? dont say i worth it...i know i do. im so sorry for being such a mean and horrible person! im really sorry. i thought you can forgive me everything i did before...i thought ull finally forget about anne and we can be together again. for 100th time. but i wouldnt have minded it at all...cause id be sure that u love me.
but you dont. you hate me deep inside.
how many time ill cry or you? and how many time i did???
oh gosh im really sorry. i was upset but now i just feel so alone. dont blame yourself please...and dont feel sorry for me, cause i hate this the most. u dont have to love me because of your conscience.
i wish ud be here and tell me 'it was just bad dream honey'. why dont u love me? why dont u call me up and try to make it up? i know the answer very well. but i dont want to.
i realised im just a puppet in your hands. u can do me whatever u want...but now u dont even want to touch me. not anymore. i understand ur choice.
please erase all the bad memories i caused u. please dont forget me!! please for my sake dont forget my kisses and hugs and every moment that makes u smile.
now i wish id be someone who only lives in your memories.
im so sorry that i couldnt be someone u love forever.
i am really sorry!
i wish it wouldnt be the last
2011.07.30. 23:55 kelda
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