Strange things happen
Yesterday i was chatting with Bebe (big mistake) and she suddenly asked : dont u want to go out with Chis again? O.o WOW She said ive had already broke up with M. so she believed it was time! (for what? to go out and fall into pieces again?) well she said were destinied to be together. well i dont know. she said i couldnt imagine how much he loved me (he still loves me?!). and why Bebes trying to play fairy godmother? dating again for us is just impossible. no matter how i feel and how hes feeling its just impossible.
but nothings impossible.
hhahhahhhhaahaha. im goin crazy.
i was having a bath and i slipped my fingers to my pussy and suddenly i saw a picture...he was licking me down there. like the first time. the water was so warm and after that i felt so dizzy that i must got out. god. is this possible? do i have feelings for him too? what the hack... tomorrow its going to be a year since we broke up. its so hard to believe. it was so long ago. and we still have feelings for each other? hell hath no fury like him!
its not like im blinking...but i tought ive learned the lesson (and its been only a month ive broke up with M.!)...but it seems to be the story of my life... im just smiling. theres no where to run or hide. hes coming. and im gonna cry so hard again. and again and again.
Bunny said shed never take away my somebody. my onlybody :) i love her so much!
GOSH! im sitting in the same bed where we did the first time....EVEN THE SHEETS THE SAME! Except for the bloodmark.
i know im not in love. and he neither. but were set together. cause his my love since childhood.
hes mine and unluckily im his too.
(but i cant believe he has feeling for me. its just nonsense!!!! he likes BEBE!)