5 perc távlatából

ez is egy a többi

Friss topikok

  • Tokle: Örökre szívembe zártalak! (2011.06.06. 00:01) remélem azért emlékezni fogsz rám
  • Tokle: nem te vagy az egyetlen aki bele akar ragadni ebbe nem te vagy az egyetlen akinek kurvára hiányzik... (2011.05.26. 11:09) miattad
  • kelda: :))) (2011.04.14. 18:14) bittersweet 18
  • Tokle: nem vigasztal mivel nem zavar ha mással jössz össze, igazából nem zavar semmi és tudom hogy ígykel... (2011.04.07. 15:35) Mészinek2
  • Tokle: i think we gonna have an intimate relationship but i need time. im sorry for the last talk. im jus... (2011.03.30. 01:11) ran out of B plan...


bye darlin

2011.03.18. 18:08 kelda

new week, new style, new life.
yeah i bought loads of clothes for myself and mother too, we were out shopping and it was nice to try on colourful thing, not just the usual grey and blue...the new style is french artist. kinda cute but elegant also. so its just beauty.
as we were walking i could stop myself...ive just kept thingink on tündi. what the fuck is with her?! i mean...shes just ridiciolus! acting sooo cold and nervous towards me! soon ill get fed up with this!!!
on physics i was talkin about goin to jamaica or somewhere after the graduation. even kris old me hed miss me! but no, tündi would never tell me anything like that. why had she became like this? and when?
since i broke up with my boyfriend i see things clearly. and i see that i cant have a noral relationship with her. shes keeping distance and telling me lies about herself. am i so unreliable? or shes just tired of me? i cant explain what happened...
all i want is fru to come back... i wanna feel that happiness she gives.
no matter how horrible this week is/was im gonna be happy anyway. and ive finally found out what kind of relationship i have with kris.
i cant wait to see fru again!
and i wonder if tündi and i will have a normal discussion ever... i hope we wil. cause no matter what i say i just love her the way she is. couse shes one of my best friends.
and i hope she can say this for me too.
ive got to go now!

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